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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Software Development Outsourcing in India Today

The second republic has arrived in India. The mantra for one of the economic growth for one of the largest republics with its new leash of life is Thinking Out of The Box …………..

Offloading work then, to this promising economy is a wise choice for enterprises with the need for software development outsourcing. It is the practice of obtaining resources to do work outside the Enterprise realm. Software Development Outsourcing encompasses the complete software development life cycle; Requirements Study, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance or the required few. The Offshore Development model for outsourced software development takes the outsourcing jobs to locations away from the enterprise location, whereas the Onshore Development model gets resources from the outsourcing firm to work at the locations of the client. India, located strategically between the Western and the Eastern Time zones is a prudent choice of venue.

Outsourcing reduces the efforts and costs involved in building an IT development team in-house. The efforts involved in building and retaining a competent team and achieving quality software are too big as compared to outsourcing. It becomes much easier for the outsourcer to focus on its core business and use the services of the IT Company when required. This strategy reduces the cost of maintaining a technically sound team offering greater flexibility.

Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development to India

Concerns of the Outsourcing Strategy

Since the outsourced jobs are carried out by other than the enterprise, it gives rise to general concerns from the enterprise’s point of view for
     Maintenance of software quality
     Keeping up of schedules
     Observing confidentiality of work
     Security in communications
     Cost Controls
A competent outsource partner would put to rest these concerns and unravel the benefits of outsourcing for the enterprise.

Association Methods
A software development outsourcing partner associates in various fashions to implement
1) Technique
     For development of a technology to be used in the project where the client does not possess the skill required

2) Process
     To execute a particular functionality of the process workflow like design or testing 

3) Complete Development
     To execute all the activities required for the software development life 

The software development outsourcing partner delivers various documents to enable smooth project rollouts and transparency to the outsourcer
     Requirement Specification documents
     The Proposal Analysis document
     The Contract Execution document
     The Software Development Plan
     Quality Assurance Plan

India emerges as a major software development outsourcing hub in the recent years. Collaborations with Software Development firms in India for outsourcing assignments; offshore, onshore or hybrid, have all proven to be rewarding. The new direction and impetus given to its economic growth by a new futuristic, stable government are indications of associations that are certain to be fruitful.

Advantages of Outsourcing Software Development to India
With its geographical location and the historical association with the western world, India has an edge as compared to other countries for being an offshore development center.

SPEC INDIA with 27+ years of experience as an Outsourced software application development partner for clients spread across over 20+ countries using varied technologies provides Customized Solutions in areas of Desktop Application Development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Enterprise Mobility Solutions, Business Intelligence and Big Data.

SPEC INDIA demonstrates its technical and functional capabilities by maintaining a preferred vendor status with Fortune 100 clients year on year. Our Project Management Practices and consistent Quality Assurance Practices put the software developed by us into a different league altogether.

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